Many of you who visit the Cemetery will have noticed, with horror, the severe pruning or pollarding of the Oak on the island in the main drive. Unfortunately this has been necessary as the oak has been weakened by fungus at the base and this has resulted in a number of the lower branches becoming dangerously rotten. This tree also had a very heavy canopy and it was feared that in wet and windy weather it could be in danger of falling. To try and give it a chance of recovery the leaf bearing branches have been removed thus reducing its wind resistance and it will be watched closely by the BCC Tree Officer over the coming months. It‘s not a foregone conclusion that this tree will survive but every effort will be made to retain it. There are a number of trees on site that have also had to be treated in a similar manner but FBEC are pleased that there is some appropriate tree husbandry now happening in Brandwood End and will encourage the replacement of any trees that have to be removed.