We need you !!

Many of you follow our web site or will have visited events at Brandwood End Cemetery recently- whether they were to do with Hedgehog preservation, WW1 Grave walks, tree walks, litter picks, celebrating our RHS award or Remembrance last weekend. Can we appeal to you to consider if you could spare a couple of hours a month to become a member of our committee, who are the driving force behind these activities which happen in the cemetery. Fresh members bring fresh ideas!20161020_144624

If you are not a ‘committee’ person you can always come along and see what happens at our meetings before making a decision. Please consider ‘joining’ the Friends  (for a very small membership fee) to receive our twice yearly newsletters and be part of our driving force to encourage Birmingham City Council to join us in a Heritage Lottery bid, to provide a future for our magnificent chapels.

Perhaps you are more of a practical person? We need help keeping our Civilian Garden and its hedges in order, making bird or bat boxes, keeping notice boards up to date, leading litter picks…..so much to do and at the moment….so few people ! You can help all of the time or as and when. Its up to you-


Please contact us via this web site or our facebook page or, of course, you can e mail for more info on-   friendsofbec@gmail.com

Whether you are a planner, a campaigner, a ‘doer’ or an ideas person…..we need you! We can offer history, environment and community based projects. From trees to heritage,  hedgehogs to gardening, war graves to bats.

Even if you just help by following  us and sharing our posts on facebook or the web site, we need your support.

Our thanks to all of those who support our events, follow our web page and facebook page and make us feel all our work is worthwhile.   Jane Edwards (Chairman FBEC)


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