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AGM 2024

The Friends are ’19’ this year and we will be holding our usual AGM but this year it will be back to an old venue as the Lodge at Brandwood End is out of use.


10.30 start– Usually the AGM lasts about 20 minutes and then the committee are available to chat and answer your questions.

(This is best accessed on foot from Kingsfield road opposite All Saints Church. Parking is available in Institute Road but there is a charge. The 50 bus and several others stop nearby on the High Street.)

Anyone with an interest is most welcome and we usually end with cake and tea/coffee !!

Reminder of an interesting blog…

The blog via this link was written in 2014 on the Birmingham Conservation Trust Site but is still worth reading as a reminder. Very little has changed apart from the number of War Graves , as the number listed reflects purely those in ‘Commonwealth War Graves’ – Many are buried in family graves and more are discovered every year when we undertake our placing of Poppy Crosses. At this time we place in excess of 320 Crosses remembering the fallen. This years Remembrance Service will take place on Sunday November 11th starting at 10.50am.

APPEAL FOR HELP- Perhaps now is a good opportunity to make an appeal for help within the cemetery. The Friends have many members nationally with an interest in Brandwood End but only about 10 people that help us physically on site, and we are all time limited ! We have a raft of projects we would like to undertake- from clearing Ivy from grave areas, removing Holly self setters, clearing brambles, maintaining the Civilian Garden (For which we are responsible) to- researching graves, placing Poppy Crosses, washing section markers, litter picking,……the list goes on ! What we lack is ‘man power’ (or women power!) –We are all getting older and WE NEED HELP. Please message us via this site or e mail us on

Please think about joining the Friends to help maintain this fantastic green space. Yes, BCC has ultimate responsibility but lack of funding means that they have very limited resources. The Friends can often access grants not available to them to undertake work to improve the environment. Many of the improvements we try to make only take ‘people’ to make them happen.

Flood Mitigation in Brandwood End.

I am sure everyone is well aware of the problems faced by residents around Birmingham during the recent exceptional flash floods. Locally residents in two roads adjacent to the cemetery were amongst those affected. The cemetery represents a large expanse of land slightly above the level of those two roads so in some locations residents were subject to a deluge of  floodwater during this unbelievably heavy downpour.

It is exceptionally difficult to know what to do about this issue but whilst investigations are ongoing you may, when visiting the cemetery, see sandbags along the boundary roads as a temporary mitigation measure. Bereavement Services Department will keep us updated.



GDPR- Data Protection

I am sure FBEC members must be aware of the changes that have been implemented related to privacy and data control. You can rest assured that FBEC have already put measures in place to comply with this new legislation but it is complex and we may need to contact all our paying members in future via e mail or letter. Please do answer our request if you wish to maintain a relationship with FBEC.

As for our web site- you can see a copy of our updated Privacy Policy on this site.

Our thanks, from the Committee of the Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery.