Today’s litter pick was attended by a small select crew ! There were just 5 of us but we still managed a haul of 13 bags of litter- mainly from under hedges on the periphery of the site. 99% of the litter consisted of flower papers, blown into the undergrowth.
Can we ask visitors again, that if they are leaving flowers at a grave they do not visit frequently, can they please remove the flower paper and place it in one of the bins. We notice that many people jam it down between the grave stones but I am afraid the wind seeks it out. Or we have to pick it out !
The sun was shining today and the cemetery was quite busy with families tidying graves and washing headstones, before the winter.
Many areas of Pigeon feathers and show that the Birds of Prey that frequent the area have been busy.
Our next Litter Pick will be in the ‘Winter’ month of December so watch this site for details. Until then, we urge you to visit the Cemetery, if you do not already, and enjoy this beautiful green open space which offers an opportunity for exercise, relaxation and quiet contemplation. Remember there is our Civilian Garden of Remembrance at the Broad Lane end of the site, which is always a welcoming space with benches for seating.
Can we remind you that we will be holding our usual Service of Remembrance in Brandwood End, at the Cross of Sacrifice on the main drive, on Sunday the 12th November. Everyone is welcome and we start at 10.50 prompt to enable the Celebrant to say a few words before the 2 minutes silence. This is a very short event and should be completed by 11.30am. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. If you are not a member of the Friends, please consider joining us to show your support for the work we do in Brandwood End. You can access an application from this web site or contact us on 0121 605 4316 for a hard copy.