A word of warning to members!

It appears there has been a resurgence of the previous spate of e mails being sent to you from ‘addressees’ you know, that are in fact spam.  Please take care. FBEC will only e mail you with information about our AGM/Newsletters/Special events.  We will always use a strap line clearly showing one of these and our name. We only e mail members who have given their consent to receive the above information via e mail and we still offer the facility to post AGM/Newsletter information as we know some of our members prefer this method.

This very annoying ‘spam’ practice  was prolific, but did seem to have died down. Always check that the e mail address the mail comes from is actually what it should be and not a very close fake! Never open attachments unless you are expecting them.

Usually, if it goes into your ‘spam folder’…….it should be there!!

KEEP SAFE- and just a little postcard to highlight the changes on the main drive of the cemetery over the years!



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