The Friends are so pleased to have met so many new people today supporting our Litter Pick, as well as our stalwarts!
18 adults and 3 children collected 26 bags of litter. Most of it was flower paper- so can we remind everyone that if you are leaving flowers at a grave it would be helpful if you could remove all the paper, as the flowers degrade naturally….the wrappings don’t and the wind scatters it all to the edges of the cemetery.
If you leave a display of artificial flowers, please make sure it is well secured, as we found many bunches windswept around the grassland today. Our apologies if your flowers now adorn someone else’s grave but we have no idea where they truly belong, so we have deposited them on the nearest grave.
Thank you everyone for a job well done. Next litter pick will be Sunday 6th December (Weather permitting!)