Leaving flowers?

The Friends know that many of you will be visiting graves on Mothering Sunday and leaving flowers. Can we appeal again to ask that, if you are not frequent visitors, you remove the wrapping paper (Especially cellophane), as when the flowers die- they rot and return to the soil over time. The paper that surrounds them, especially cellophane are silver/gold paper NEVER does. It becomes lightweight and then blows around the cemetery in the wind. If we are lucky one of our litter picking volunteers will collect it but if not it may get shredded in the blades of the sit on mowers ! Either way, it can end up making the environment unpleasant.

If you are a frequent visitor then we presume you always remove dead flowers etc but many of those that do come to Brandwood End travel a distance and may get only a few opportunities to visit. If this is you- Please consider removing any flower paper. Also try not to leave ‘Glass’  vases etc as they do get smashed by Frost, Squirrels and Ravens and last summer caused great concern as a source of fire ignition in the cemetery.

Finally can we ask that any artificial flowers are well secured, as they often suffer the same fate as the paper- which is sad as many of them are beautiful and obviously bought with love.

Thank you again in anticipation of your assistance in this matter.

FBEC Committee

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