Tag: road safety d

Safety First at Broad Lane entrance

As those of you who use Brandwood End Cemetery regularly will know, making an exit via the Broad Lane gate often means taking your life in your hands. As you exit the cemetery you are obscured by hedge row and then immediately on the road with no pavement.This meant that speeding traffic approaching from the right had no way of knowing you were there!

After discussions with local Councillors and Bereavements department we are pleased to say that the ‘road’ side of the gate on Broad Lane has now been marked with white lines to highlight the exit from the main gate and also the Jewish gate to road users.

Bereavements department will also be fitting a sign within the cemetery as you approach the gate to warn pedestrians of the danger. Road Marking

Thank you to our members that drew this to our attention and the Councillors and Birmingham City Council Bereavements department for supporting our request.