Tag: Roe Deer

Just one, or are there more?

In the last month there have been close to a dozen sightings of Roe Deer in and around the Cemetery. It seems that usually it is a female Roe and she favours early afternoon for her appearances!

This is not a photograph of the Roe in the cemetery, but a generic one. (Note that they have a ‘white’ flash on their rear end). Can you snap our lady on her walk about, either in or around Brandwood Cemetery. Is she alone, or does she have a mate?

Please let us know if you are lucky enough to have a sighting on friendsofbec@gmail.com

Not to be out done our smaller Munjac deer are still making an appearance now and then, but are exceptionally quiet this year and no one has recorded hearing their usual ‘bark’. They are often vocal at dawn and dusk. They are much smaller (Labrador dog size max) with shorter necks and legs.