We were very pleased to welcome members of the 96th Birmingham Scout Group, who helped with our September Litter Pick.
They were joined by some of our usual supporters and it was great to see that we have some new ‘younger’ enthusiasts- or litter pickers in training!
Generally the cemetery was clear of obvious litter but we did manage 14 sacks of flower paper and shredded artificial flowers (Under hedges and behind grave stones). Can we remind you again to remove flower paper if possible and, if using artificial flowers, please make sure they are well secured not just popped in the display vases. The wind will blow these items away from the grave and animals (and grass cutting equipment) will shred them.
Whilst some of our members litter picked a few of us gave the top of the two hedges surrounding the Civilian Garden and the War Grave area a bit of a snip to smarten them up. They should have a good cut back as soon as they become dormant in the winter.
Our thanks again to everyone and we hope to see many of you again in December.