Can you type and use a computer- looking for a volunteer project?

At FBEC we know that many of the projects we promote in Brandwopod End entail working outdoors and an element of fitness.  We do have plenty of other tasks for those of you that do not want, or feel able, to work  outside in the elements!

Caring for Gods Acre and The Friends have been working on a fascinating project to records the inscriptions on the memorials in the cemetery and load this information onto an interactive map. We will also have the facility to imbed  historic information we have discovered about some of those who lie beneath, or are remembered on, family memorials.

This is a job that requires patience, accuracy and an element of typing/computer skills. If you think you can help with this then follow this link to book a place. Full instructions will be given and its something you will either enjoy doing or not- so why not give it a try as it is completely free. Once you are happy with what you need to do, this task can be continued from home. Please bring a lap top if you have one  and can easily transport it, but it is not essential.

No previous experience is needed.



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