Land Mine in Hollywood in 1940

We posted the query below on our facebook site and we have had such an interesting selection of replies that we have decided to reproduce them here to thank everyone and also so the enquirer can see them, as not everyone uses Facebook. Followers never disappoint us and we knew that the supporters of the Friends would help if they could. We have such local knowledge amongst residents, and whilst this query doesnt directly relate to Brandwood End Cemetery it is very interesting!

In November 1940 my mother lived in Hollywood, Birmingham. A land mine that was meant for Birmingham fell short and on their house (which was called Acorn cottage) . All of upstairs ended up downstairs. No one was killed, except my grandfather’s potato bury which he had just made ready for the winter went up in ready made chips. Do you know if there is anything in print in the newspapers of the time about this. It was opposite a barrage balloon site that was run by Wythall RAF and was on the Alcester road out towards Redditch.  Their family name was Clarke.

These are the replies :

My father told me the story of being in a pub in Hollywood when a bomb went off nearby. He was amused by an old guy sitting near a window when the blast blew the glass out. Undeterred, he finished his pint with the curtains flapping around his ears… I wonder if it was the same incident?

Try the Birmingham family history group, there’s a chance someone may know something. My Mum was friends with a George and Edith Clarke who lived out at Hollywood.

There is a history group of Wythall, Hollywood and surroundings on-line you could try them!

Civil Defence archives at Central library?

 I think this house belonged to my partners family . His father was playing in the garden close by at the time and has often recounted the story . If you send me a PM , we will see if we can help.

 Hollywood is in the country of Worcestershire, there may be records at The Hive, in Worcestershire.

Friends of Key Hill Cemetery & Warstone Lane Cemetery Est 2004. Birmingham

It would be helpful to have the Mothers full name and those who she was living with from 1939 to 1945 plus the full address.

Due to the Secret D Notice little was reported in newspapers for the Birmingham area.

Hollywood is in the country of Worcestershire, there may be records at The Hive, in Worcestershire.

BARRA’s records tend to cover Birmingham then in the county of Warwickshire.

As mentioned above we may be able to assist if names are given, but understand that the person who is enquiring, may not wish to divulge this  information publicly.( Member of BARRA since its formation)

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