Tag: rainfall

Remember how muddy and waterlogged our Cemeteries may be at the moment and come prepared!

Please can we remind you that most of the burial areas within Brandwood End and Kings Norton do not lie adjacent to pathways and due to the exceptional rainfall they are often very muddy and waterlogged. Suitable footwear when visiting graves is essential.

Bereavements, in this area, have been able to continue with burials but had to restrict the daily numbers as the instability of the waterlogged ground has meant the use of heavy machinery has had to be limited.

We understand that this is a very emotional time for families but can we please ask you to have some understanding of the difficulties and be mindful of the fact that many areas have totally suspended  their burial services due to ground instability.

FBEC thank you, on behalf of Bereavement Services, for your patience and understanding in these unusual conditions.

Jane Edwards (Chairman-Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery)