Tag: Tree planting

Tree Planting with Birmingham Trees for Life

Lets hope the weather is dry for us this Wednesday 27th as we will be welcoming Birmingham Trees for Life and pupils from St Albans R C Primary School to plant yet another 10 trees in Brandwood End Cemetery.

Last year we sadly lost a number of large Poplar Trees from one of our boundary areas but with the help of Birmingham Trees for Life we are slowly replacing them with more suitable species.



Diamond Woodland Planting event

At 10.30am on Wednesday the 14th of November a planting event will take place in Brandwood End Cemetery to establish a small woodland area . Thirty Children from St Albans Primary School will be assisted by Cemetery staff, members of FBEC and helpers to plant 24 trees close to the main entrance gates. If you would like to help please come in suitable footwear and clothing. Spades will be available. There will also be a short opening ceremony as this area will be used for the burial of ashes in future. This will be attended by a representative of Birmingham City Council.