Category: Trees

Access to graves improved in Section 7

Bereavements and the Friends have received requests from visiting families for low hanging branches to be lifted, in Section 7, as they are making access to graves difficult.

Both Bereavements staff and ourselves had a look and agreed that something needed to be done. The Cemetery Superintendent, knowing we had a Grave Gardeners session, asked if we would be happy to tackle the problem so 4 of our team set to and removed the lower 8 feet of hanging branches.  All looking good for now. Maybe further action needed in 2025?


Tree Walk 20th July.

Join the Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery as we take a stroll around this magnificent 53 acre site investigating our recently launched Tree Trail.  The Tree Trail highlights the range of trees that this Victorian Cemetery contains, over 1750 planted mainly in 1898/9.

Meet at the Lodge on the main drive at 11am prompt, Saturday 20th July.(For further information and to reserve a place, please contact us on 07811393259 or mail to

Tree work continues.

Tree husbandry in Brandwood End has actually been funded this year(it isn’t every year and this will be the last we see of it for a while, I suspect!) the downside is that we will see a number of diseased trees disappearing from our beautiful landscape. They have been earmarked for some time but work has now ramped up with contractors working in the cemetery most days. Most recent losses are a very large tree near Broad Lane entrance which was diseased and a beautiful Labernum on A3FC which was pretty much hollow above waist height. Sad but necessary.

Summer Tree Walk

The Friends recently relaunched their refreshed Tree Walk leaflet and on Saturday 20th July at 11am,   Malcolm Jacques will be leading a walk around the trees highlighted.

This will be a ‘stroll’ and most of the areas will accessible to wheelchair users but we warn that the roadways are uneven. All will be welcome but can we ask that any under 16year olds be accompanied by an adult. We would suggest suitable footwear for uneven ground.

If you would like to reserve a place can we ask you to e mail us on,

Tree Husbandry in Brandwood End

Over the next few weeks and months you may hear the hum of chain saws and notice the felling of some mature trees in the cemetery. We are all sad to see any tree removed but they all have a limited life. That could be determined by the species of tree or by outside influences such as fungal infections, beetle infestations, disease and weather.

Most of the mature trees in Brandwood End  were planted over 125 years ago and some predate that. Unfortunately- or fortunately, as a public space the trees are regularly checked by the Tree Officer to make sure that none are at risk of falling and causing damage to graves or worse still….people. The Trees Officer spoke to the Friends some time ago, as the recent survey had highlighted quite a few trees needing attention, and where possible they will be trimmed etc but some are beyond those measures and will have to be removed.  This is necessary work and whilst it is sad to see trees removed we are pleased to see that they are being surveyed on a regular basis. (Those that ask about budgets, this is a Health and Safety issue and funding must always be available for that.)

Allied to this project we are discussing possible use of some of the timber removed for ECO projects and also looking a raising funding to replace those trees lost and so maintain a good tree stock for future generations.

Please take care if Tree Surgeons are working in the cemetery. Its interesting to watch but not from too close!

New Tree Walk leaflet launched.

The Friends are so pleased to get the support of our local Tree Officer, Steve Flood, for our new TREE WALK LEAFLET…… even if he then got distracted looking at the trees!

We really value his input and the fact that he keeps us in the loop when tree work is due. You will find the leaflet boxes attached to both our notice boards at the two entrances.

As the leaves make an appearance we will be organising a Tree Walk led by one of our tree loving supporters.

Sad loss of Heritage Oak

Unfortunately one of our Heritage Oaks has had to be removed as its roots were causing a major issue in an area of flooding by obstructing  pipes. A large flood alleviation project has been happening in the area and has involved a large woodland area of Jasmin Fields Nature Reserve and the lowest section of the Cemetery, adjacent to Broad Lane.

This area was previously an overgrown bramble patch so we are trusting that there will be some effort made to improve the look of this corner. We hope we have managed to keep a large section and a decision as to what to do with it will be made in the near future but we will be working with the Ranger to try and create a ‘slice’ indicating a time line for this ancient tree.