We have reproduced this important notice, which is now on prominent display in Brandwood End Cemetery, concerning the removal of trees and shrubs from graves. It is self explanatory. If you know anyone who has a grave in Brandwood End but does not visit frequently- please draw this to their attention.
Notice to Grave Owners
This notice is to advise “Grave Owners” of their responsibilities to comply with the Municipal Rules and Regulations.
In accordance with these Rules and Regulations, any trees, shrubs or flowers planted on graves must not become unsightly or overgrown or encroach on adjacent graves and must not exceed 2ft in height.
To reduce the risk of injury to passers – by or damage to memorials, and to help us to keep the cemetery in good order, we are asking “Grave Owners” to remove or prune items which contravene these Rules and Regulations. In the event that “Grave Owners” have not done so by 16th November 2015, cemetery employees will be carrying out a programme of removal.
If you have any concerns regarding this please contact Kings Norton Cemetery
0121 303 5583