Category: Hedgehogs

Final event in our year long ‘Help for Hedgehogs’ project.

On Wednesday this week we unveiled our latest addition to Brandwood End Cemetery….a lovely Interpretation Board displaying lots of information about how to ‘Help Hedgehogs’. This is the final event in our Heritage Lottery sponsored ‘Help for Hedgehogs’ project.

Lots of people to thank today…. Councillor Tristran Chatfield, who unveiled the board for us , Bereavement Service Office and Ground Staff, all our local Councillors, The Wildlife Trust (Birmingham and Black Country), The Park Ranger Service, SHED, Woodthorpe Primary School, St Albans RC Primary, Rachel (our film maker), FBEC  volunteers and finally the local community.



Moseley and Kings Heath SHED

Our thanks to Moseley and Kings Heath SHED 

Their members stepped up to the plate and helped make lots and lots of Hedgehog Houses and ‘do it yourself’ kits for events, as part of our Help for Hedgehogs event.

Today we were able to present Mark, who attended events on behalf of SHED, with a cheque to help them buy replacement timber etc.

Please follow this link to see more information on SHED, who are a registered charity.


Once again, our thank to the National Lottery, Heritage Lottery Fund for funding this project.

Extension to our Help for Hedgehogs project

FBEC are pleased to announce that Heritage Lottery, the grant providers for the above project, have agreed a 3 month extension to our time schedule and some additional expenditure.

We would like to thank all the people that provided items free of charge and gave their time for free. This has resulted in an under spend! Unusual in this day and age!

After discussion with Heritage Lottery  it has been agreed  that we can spend the remaining funding on an interpretation board, highlighting Hedgehog facts, to be placed in the cemetery. A time extension has been agreed to allow for design, manufacture and installation.


Our thanks again to all the organisations involved as we were dependent not only on their expertise, but also on their hours of dedication to this project.


Heritage Hedge maturing well.

Those of you that follow the activities of FBEC will know that a few years ago we enlisted the help of local pupils to create yet another hedged area to surround a small section of War Graves that we felt needed to be defined. The majority of our 300+ War Graves are scattered throughout the cemetery.

The original project took place in early 2014 so barely 3 years later and the hedge is now well established.


Whilst we were in the cemetery with our shears we also removed stragglers from this hedge.

Both these hedges were planted in define areas but also to increase habitat for birds, insects and especially Hedgehogs within Brandwood End.

Three years on…… a well established hedge.

Rachel, our Community Film Maker…..

Our thanks go to all those that helped with the Hedgehog Project, and there may still be a little more to come…but we must thank Rachel for her brilliant work with us and all the local pupils, resulting in our lovely Hedgehog Film. We really hope we can work with her again on our next project. Watch this space…….and visit Rachel’s site via this link to see what she says about working on our Hedgehog project.


At Last- your chance to view and share our Hedgehog Film.

Today we shared our Hedgehog Project film with our last group of Film Makers so now we are able to share it with you. Please take a look and share with as many people as possible. This film was made by pupils of St Albans RC Primary and Woodthorpe Primary with the help of Community Film Maker   Rachel Gillies 

Our thanks to Emma from The Wildlife Trust and BCC Rangers Jan and Dean- and of course The Heritage Lottery, who funded this project.

Please share this with as many people as you can to help the plight of the Hedgehog.

Great day at St Albans.

Year 5 pupils at St Albans RC Primary were one of our many partners in the making of our Hedgehog film and completion of our Hedgehog Project. Today they viewed their efforts and we shared a few gifts to remind them of their work.

Well done St Albans and we look forward to working with you on our next project.

Pupils and parents get to see ‘their’ Hedgehog film.

Last week members of the FBEC committee and Rachel Gillies (our Community Film Maker)  joined parents , teachers and pupils at Woodthorpe Junior and Infants school for a showing of the ‘Help for Hedgehogs’ film. This film was made entirely by pupils of Woodthorpe Primary and St Albans RC Primary under Rachel’s direction.

Rachel reported lots of giggles and prods between pupils, lots of good comments from teachers and the Headteacher is very keen to share the film on Social Media and in the school newsletter once it is available.

Several members of FBEC have worked alongside Rachel on her visits to both schools and marveled at the enthusiasm and knowledge shown by all the pupils.

Have a look at Rachel’s own site, where she gives our project a great write up!!

Our thanks go to the Heritage Lottery for funding what has turned out to be a wonderful project. Just a couple of months left and St Albans get their chance to see their input!

Hedgehog film showing.

This is the final reminder that there will be a chance to view the Help for Hedgehogs film that was made with assistance from local pupils. The film follows the year long project undertaken by FBEC, The Wildlife Trust (Birmingham and Black Country) and the Park Ranger Service to survey the cemetery for Hedgehog activity and increase awareness of Hedgehog requirements if we wish to stop their rapid decline.

7-8pm at Park House in Kings Heath Park  Monday 5th June. Please visit this link to register if you think you will be coming along as space is limited. More details can be seen here.

This is a family event and suitable for children but those under 16 should be accompanied by an adult. There will also be a showing for pupils and parents in both local schools involved.  (St Albans RC Primary, Woodthorpe Primary) Contact your school for dates.

Adults- do you want a bit more detailed Hedgehog information?

FBEC have now enjoyed several family Hedgehog events, delivered on our behalf by Birmingham Park Ranger Service (Jan and Dean) and the Wildlife Trust (Emma). We are coming towards the end of this enormously enjoyable project that seems to have captured the imagination of local schools and residents.

On Monday the 20th March from 7-8pm at Park House in Kings Heath Park we will be holding an adults only event, to cover some of the more technical details relating to the  why the well loved Hedgehog is declining in most areas of the UK.

Places are  FREE but limited, so please reserve your place via this link.