Tag: volunteers

Autumn Litter Pick

Who would believe that we are just about to enter Autumn!! Join the Friends for our AUTUMN LITTER PICK in Brandwood End Cemetery.

Meet us on the main drive (opposite the Lodge) at 10am. (We finish officially at 11.30)- Saturday 7th September. Litter pickers and bags provided but we would recommend stout footwear and gloves as well as outer wear.

Come and enjoy this beautiful green open space, whilst helping to keep it litter free.

Christmas Greetings to all our supporters

Gosh ! Where did 2018 go? Christmas is nearly upon us followed closely by the New Year.

Can we take this moment to thank all of our supporters for showing an interest in our posts and taking the time to follow what FBEC have been doing in 2018. 

We have had a very busy year holding our Heritage Open Day and then Remembrance, in this special year. Most of our time is taken up with research into the many interesting people buried in Brandwood End and trying to share their story with the wider community. Our special thanks to the relatives of several of those individuals that we highlighted, who then contacted us with additional information and precious photographs.

The Friends have also been pleased to welcome several groups to the Cemetery who have taken part in various themed walks.  This year we have also received several donations and many encouraging comments via this site and our Facebook page.

Next year is a special year for the Cemetery as it is the 120th anniversary of its official opening.     I am sure those of you that visit the cemetery will have noticed the new temporary roof on the chapel? This is a small step forward, so lets hope that 2019 is the year in which we manage a leap!!

Last Litter Pick of 2018

All the wind that has been blowing over the last few days will have whipped flower papers away from graves and flung them around the Cemetery ! Join us at 10am this Sunday the 2nd December by the Lodge for our final clear up of 2018. Bare shrubbery discloses litter hidden most of the year so December always yields a good haul.

We have the litter pickers and the bags, but we advise boots and gloves as the ground is uneven.

Officially ‘Autumn’ Litter Pick !

Five of the Friends today enjoyed the sunshine whilst collecting seven….and a half bags of litter from within the cemetery. Most of it came from 2 spots on the boundary and generally we found that there was very little litter and what there was consisted mainly of flower paper and various items that had been blown off graves. Our thanks again to the same few who turn up time and time again to help keep the cemetery looking tidy.

Can we ask you again, that if you place silk flowers on a grave can you please make sure they are well secured- and can you remove paper from fresh flowers, as when they die the paper just blows about in the wind.

Annual BOSF(Birmingham Open Spaces ) Conference

This years BOSF Conference took on a different look as the two afternoon sessions meant that members had the chance to learn more about, and take part in, different activities carried out in Parks. The morning session involved speakers from several organisations  and also gave delegates the chance of having ‘just a minute’ to champion their own group. The venue this year was also a change from the norm and being held at The Mac in Cannon Hill made it easy for our Chairman and Secretary to attend!


Afternoon practical sessions varied from learning about the technical equipment that the Tree Officers use to determine the health/stability of a tree to learning about green wood working. Also available were workshops to help with event organisation and health and safety assessment.

BOSF Conferences offer individual Friends groups the chance to get together and network…..as well as offering a hearty lunch and cake !!

New date for Great British Spring Clean- LITTER PICK

Pleased to say our litter pick that was cancelled due to snow is now back in the diary!


Please join the Friends in this ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ annual Litter Pick.  We will provide the pickers and the bags, but you will need stout footwear and gloves. Meet on the main drive near the Lodge. (Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult)




Final Reminder of our ‘Great British Clean Up’ Litter Pick.

On Saturday the 3rd March between 10 and 11.30am we will be supporting the latest Keep Britain Tidy SPRING CLEAN- LITTER PICK campaign.


Please come along to Brandwood End Cemetery in Woodthorpe Rd, Kings Heath and support this event. We will supply litter pickers and bags. Please wear stout shoes/boots and gloves. Meet at the Lodge on the Main Drive.

Hedgehog film showing.

This is the final reminder that there will be a chance to view the Help for Hedgehogs film that was made with assistance from local pupils. The film follows the year long project undertaken by FBEC, The Wildlife Trust (Birmingham and Black Country) and the Park Ranger Service to survey the cemetery for Hedgehog activity and increase awareness of Hedgehog requirements if we wish to stop their rapid decline.

7-8pm at Park House in Kings Heath Park  Monday 5th June. Please visit this link to register if you think you will be coming along as space is limited. More details can be seen here.

This is a family event and suitable for children but those under 16 should be accompanied by an adult. There will also be a showing for pupils and parents in both local schools involved.  (St Albans RC Primary, Woodthorpe Primary) Contact your school for dates.


The Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery will be holding their annual AGM on Thursday 13th April in the Conference Room at St Dunstans Church, Kings Heath. 10.30 start. Tea and coffee plus cake will be available! Everyone welcome. At the AGM a report on the Friends activities during the past year will be available and the Treasurer will submit a copy of the accounts.

Merry Christmas Everyone

The Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery would like to wish all their supporters a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all enjoy a healthy 2017.

We have called on our supporters a lot in 2016 to help with lots of projects and they have not let us down. We know that many of you are unable to come along and help physically with projects as your distance to travel, time available, physical capabilities etc all vary dramatically. All we ask is that you continue to renew your memberships each April and/or keep an interest in what we are doing via this site and our facebook page as the day will come when numbers of supporters count when important decisions are made!

Just a reminder of some of the busy work we have undertaken with your support in 2016.

unspecified-2We have enjoyed working with Woodthorpe Primary and St Albans RC Primary, and continue to do so as part of our community filming of our ongoing Hedgehog Project

We ‘Cleaned for the Queen’ earlier in the year and litter picked once a quarter as usual


We have won a Silver Gilt Medal in the Heart of England in Bloom, organised the refurbishment of the Civilian Garden of Remembrance, held lots of Hedgehog events (thanks to funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund)and held our usual annual Remembrance Service. None of this would have been possible without your support.

As Chairman can I also give special thank you and Seasonal Greetings to all our committee, present and past, for their efforts. Many of our past committee still continue to work on our behalf and I would like to give a special thank you to Pat Franklin who tirelessly takes people on historic Grave Walks on our behalf.  Working with you all is a joy!

In 2017 we will continue our work to try and raise the profile of Brandwood End Cemetery and especially the plight of our magnificent chapels. We believe the more people who visit via events etc……the more support we will have when the time comes for some serious lobbying! Thank you all again.