Category: Research

Tantalising information.

Those of you that follow a series on Chanel 5 called ‘Planes that won the War’ will have seen, in the episode screened on the 1st of July, the story of 8 Air man who lost their lives when their Lancaster  crashed into ‘Ben Eighe’, a mountain in Scotland. The crash site was very remote, and still is.

One of those lost, their Navigator, lived very locally and is  buried in Brandwood End. We hope to feature his story in the near future, so watch this space.

Should any of his relatives read this, please contact us at as we would love to know more.


National Cemeteries week comes to a close.

We do hope you have enjoyed reading the research we have posted and we remind you that there are 86000+ graves in Brandwood End, so lots more to do !  We welcome anyone who would like to join us doing long term research.

We also highlighted the gardening and general tidying work that the Friends do- and again we are always welcoming, as an extra pair of hands helps spread the load.

The Friends are always in need of supporters to help with weeding in the Civilian Garden of Remembrance as the two large round beds are now well established and ground cover plants are flourishing but weeds still are an issue. We had a very successful rota but I am afraid most of the volunteers have either moved away or feel physically unable to continue. Weeding  there can be done when ever you want  but we do need to know before you go for insurance purposes. A text to 07811393259 or an e mail to is equally acceptable. If you would rather work in a group then let us know and we will arrange w work party for a few of us. We hope one of our supporters can help. 

A huge  thankyou to those that already go above and beyond to assist.

Politics is in the news!

All things political seem to be on the agenda at this time so we thought we would highlight a local politician buried in Brandwood End.  His name is probably not known to many but if you read on you may remember ELDRED HARRIS  in future.


Our thanks to our member and  Historian, Pat Franklin  for her input to this article.

FBEC are sharing this historical research as part of National Cemeteries week.