Category: Remembrance

Remembrance 2024

Todays Remembrance service was well attended with well over 150 people attending. The leaves quietly falling off the trees during the two minute silence in some way added to the atmosphere and the Buglers performance was top rate as usual.

Wreaths were laid by a number of organisations including the Police, Fire Service, Ambulance Service and local Councillors.

If you follow this link you can find an album of photos taken by committee members.

Poppy Placing Project begins.

Those of you that follow our Facebook page or web site will know that each year in the run up to Remembrance Sunday you may see some of our nine pairs of ‘Poppy Cross Placers’.

We have nine pairs of volunteers that form part of our Poppy Cross Crew.

Each year, between them, they will visit every one of the 350+ War Graves scattered throughout the cemetery and place a Poppy Cross on each. It takes a lot of their time but they come back year after year to support this project organised by the Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery. 

The Friends would like to thank them for their help with this worthwhile and emotional project and our fingers are crossed for reasonable weather!

Open event in Civilian Garden

September was an unusually busy month for FBEC  with the inclusion of two ‘main’ events for us. We have featured the unveiling of our new Memorial stone but we also had an Open Event for Heritage and were able to tell visitors the stories behind the names on the Memorial.


We were very pleased to welcome the new local Selly Oak MP and Minister for Veterans. Al Carns. He was very interested in the records showing the sites of bomb damage and relating to the deaths of those listed on the new Memorial.

Our thanks to all those interested people who called in to chat.



New Memorial unveiled by Dr Carl Chinn.

All our work came good today as Dr Carl Chinn unveiled our Memorial in the Civilian Garden of Remembrance. Now the names of those buried in this area can be read by visitors. We were also pleased to welcome Councillors John Cotton and David Barker as well as Brian Wright and Matt Felkin representing BARRA accompanied by 4 Standard Bearers. Several of our volunteers joined us, as well as representatives of local history groups and FBEC committee members.



The Memorial is now on view in The Civilian Garden of Remembrance and on Saturday the 14th we will be there to give visitors more information about the people whose names are displayed.


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Take part in some of the Heritage Open  events in Brandwood End Cemetery. Add them to your diary now…

  • WEDNESDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER 2024- 2PM Join Ian Binnie as he takes you on a Tour of the memorials to those killed in 1944. (The 80th anniversary of D Day and other crucial battles). Ian will present biographies of several men and women who served and died and are buried in Brandwood End. There is no need to book this event. (THE TOUR WILL LAST APPROX. ONE HOUR. MEET BY THE LODGE, ON THE MAIN DRIVE. )
  • THURSDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER AT 7.30PM ‘Over by Christmas 1944’ A ZOOM event. To receive a ZOOM link please e mail Ian Binnie on
  • SATURDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER 11AM TILL 2 PM Who Lies Beneath? Join the Friends for an open event in the Civilian Garden of Remembrance (in Section 33) to learn more about those bombing victims buried in this communal peaceful space and see our recently installed Memorial stone carrying their names. We will be joined by local WW2 Air Raid and BARRA Historian, Matt Felkin, who will happily share his records and knowledge with visitors.

Cross and Screen Walls repaired and cleaned.

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission have been busy cleaning and repairing the Cross of Sacrifice and the Screen Walls as part of their maintenance programme. All looking clean, tidy and ready for the 125 year anniversary of the first funeral in Brandwood End Cemetery on the 13th April 1899. (We will be posting more about this anniversary nearer the date.)