Tag: In Bloom. Gardening

Not that we mean to keep going on, but……….

We are still celebrating being awarded a ‘Silver Gilt’ medal by the RHS for Heart of England in Bloom! We now have the certificate and here is a photo of it in our hands as proof!









Yet again can we take the opportunity to thank Nicola for her suggestion that we enter, the RHS for including Cemetery entries this year and everyone that works so hard to keep Brandwood End looking at its best both ‘in bloom’ and also on more practical levels.

Congratulations to all our helpers!

The Friends entered the RHS, Heart of England in Bloom this year without great expectations, as it was the first year that a category for ‘Cemeteries’ under  ‘Parks and Open Spaces’ had been included…….and our first foray into this prestigious award.

Today we traveled to the Awards Ceremony in Aldridge and to our great joy we achieved a ‘Silver Gilt’ Certificate !

20160915_153332Excuse the picture quality but I was so excited to post a copy of the certificate and thank everyone concerned. Over the year, our small band of volunteers have worked hard on many aspects within the cemetery to enhance the experience of those that visit- for whatever reason. During the few weeks before the Judges visit everyone pulled out the stops. Our thanks to Quadron for cutting the grass, the ground staff for emptying the bins and the general appearance of the cemetery, community members for helping with weeding , the phantom ‘hedge cutters’, all those who supplied photographs and all those that wished us luck!  It paid off………..



These posters were on display at the event and caught our eye, especially as each one was 6′ tall!



We all had such a marvelous welcome with a jazz band and then a choir and everyone was made to feel really special. The awards were followed by a lovely lunch which Julia and I ate sitting in the beautiful churchyard adjacent to event.   Thank you all again.   Jane Edwards (Chairman- FBEC)