Tag: brum bats

If you go down to the cemetery tonight, you are in for a big surprise!!

It’s not very often that you can get into Brandwood End Cemetery at night…..but tonight was the night! Great bat walk from Jasmin Fields to Brandwood Pool via the cemetery. All ages, and many new to the whole walk route, despite being local.


Thanks to Chris from Brum Bats and Ranger Dean for giving up their own time for this event. 30+ people, lots of bats and an amazing Tawny Owl made it worth it!


We hope that tonight’s adventure encourages people to visit all three sites again and be aware of the amazing natural spaces on their doorsteps.

If, as a result of tonight site visits, we could encourage anyone to be involved in litter picks or work parties to help Ranger Dean keep these sites accessible and welcoming to the public, please   e mail us with your contact details on ‘friendsofbec@gmail.com’ We can then add you to the mailing list or maybe consider joining the ‘Friends’ via this web site.


Local Bat Walk via Cemetery

Quick reminder….Bat Walk with ‘Brumbats’ on this Thursday evening the 10th. Starts from farm gate to Jasmin Fields on Bayston Road,ends at Brandwood Pool. 7pm for instructions and then leaving towards canal across Jasmin Fields. Wrap up warm, stout footwear- bring a torch!!
Please let Dean the Ranger know if you want to come.0121 675 0937. Under 16’s must be supervised.


Bat Walk Reminder!

Explore the night with Brum Bats and the Ranger Service on a Bat walk through Jasmin fields Nature Reserve along the canal, through the cemetery to finish at Brandwood Pool.

Thursday 11th September 7.30-9pm meet at the Farm gate on Bayston Rd, facing Kinsey Grove B14 5AR

All ages welcome but under 16’s must be supervised.You will need to bring a Powerful torch and wear outdoor clothing and sturdy footwear.

Please contact the Ranger Service to book 0121 675 0937 – Spaces are limited so you will need to book in advance.


Come and see the bats at Brandwood Pool on 3rd September

Please come and join us on Friday 3rd September as ‘Brum Bats’ are hosting a bat evening at Brandwood pool.  Please put this date in your diary.   The time has yet to be confirmed but it will be fairly late in the evening to catch the bat movements. 

We will post more details nearer the time – watch this space!

For more information on Brum Bats >>>>