The Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery will be holding their annual AGM on Thursday 13th April in the Conference Room at St Dunstans Church, Kings Heath. 10.30 start. Tea and coffee plus cake will be available! Everyone welcome. At the AGM a report on the Friends activities during the past year will be available and the Treasurer will submit a copy of the accounts.
Tag: Federation of Cemetery Friends
Heritage Open Events
We are afraid that the Friends and Brandwood End Cemetery will not be holding an event during this years Heritage Open Week as we currently lack the capacity to deliver an event to the standard of the one you may have experienced last year- but fear not! We hope to be able to participate on site next year and instead, in celebration of our 10th year as a Friends Group,
we have installed displays in Kings Heath and Druids Heath Libraries that we hope you will enjoy.
Can we thank the staff at both libraries who have helped us in this venture and seem happy for our displays to stay in place for several weeks.
At Kings Heath Library we were able to add some historic photographs from the early 1900’s provided by the staff (from library archives.)
Damaging shrubbery to be removed.
Following a meeting with Bereavement Services Managers we understand that efforts are being made to find funds to remove the damaging shrubbery that seems to reappear on the brickwork of the Chapels. This is always a costly operation as it requires special equipment but it is hoped that it will, yet again, improve the appearance of the building and prevent further damage whilst we wait till restoration funding becomes more readily available.
The concept of a bespoke fence to surround the chapel area, rather than the existing ‘builders fence’, is being investigated as a measure to improve the overall appearance of this area when entering the cemetery.
Bereavement Services site staff are now cutting the grass surrounding the Chapel buildings and clearing weeds on pathways.
They are also involved in removing Ivy from graves, a project FBEC hope to continue to be involved in.
Seasons Greetings to all our supporters from Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery
2013 has been a year when Friends of Brandwood End have had to take a step back and think again about the way they want to move forward in 2014. We were all very disappointed when Birmingham City Council had to withdraw their financial support for a lottery bid relating to the twin terracotta mortuary chapels at the centre of the cemetery. Along with many local organisations we saw the time when Birmingham would be in a position to support any bid we proposed move further and further away. We are now working with Bereavements Department to investigate alternative fund raising options but in the meantime we will continue with our other achievable projects within the cemetery, whilst keeping the chapels at the front of our campaign.
National Federation of Cemetery Friends AGM
The Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery are happy to support the Federation’s 2011 AGM which will be held at Ford Park Cemetery Ford Park Road, Plymouth, PL4 6NT on Saturday 11th June. All events will take place at the Cemetery and there is ample on site car parking. They can seat and cater for around 60 delegates. There is disabled access to the Chapel (for the meeting) and the Visitor Centre (for lunch/tea). Disabled parking can be reserved if they have advance notice.
For information on the venue, the agenda, the content and how to get there please visit the Federation’s pages at: