Tag: agm


The Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery will be holding their annual AGM on Thursday 13th April in the Conference Room at St Dunstans Church, Kings Heath. 10.30 start. Tea and coffee plus cake will be available! Everyone welcome. At the AGM a report on the Friends activities during the past year will be available and the Treasurer will submit a copy of the accounts.


All members are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery which is to be held on Thursday 14th April at 10.30am till 11.30am in the Conference Room at St Dunstans Church, Kingsfield Rd, Birmingham B14 7JN. As you enter from the main gate in Kingsfield Road the Conference Room is on the right. Copies of the Annual Report and the Audited Accounts will be presented and circulated to the members present. Following the meeting these will be posted on our website fbec.org.uk.

Under the rules, existing members of the Executive Committee will be offering themselves for re-election but we welcome enquiries from prospective new members. All nominees must be members of FBEC and nomination forms can be obtained from the Chairman and must be completed and submitted by 31st March 2016.

Any questions to be tabled at the AGM should be submitted in advance to the Chairman by telephone /email by 31st March 2016.-07811 393259 / friendsofbec@gmail.com

The Committee sincerely hopes that you will be able to join us for tea and cake and to learn of our successes to date and plans for the future. We work on your behalf and depend on your support.


You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery which is to be held on Thursday 10th April at 7.30 pm. Please note that we have changed the venue back to St Bedes Church, Bryndale Ave, B14 6NG.  We hope returning to this venue will increase attendance at our AGM as we need your support at our meetings. Copies of the Annual Report and the Audited Accounts will be presented and circulated to the members. Following the meeting these will be posted on our website www.fbec.org.uk.



Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery – AGM

FBEC held their AGM this evening at the Brandwood Centre. Unfortunately attendance was low but the evening was rounded off by a very interesting talk by the Reverend Douglas Wilkes on the Cemeteries of the Jewellery Quarter.
Neville Summerfield proposed a vote of thanks to Anne Courbet, who has been involved with FBEC since its inception and was currently serving as Chairman. Anne announced her intention to step down from her role and also from the committee but will continue to support FBEC and its future projects.
The elected committee members names, committee officers details and annual accounts will be displayed on this site following the first committee meeting on 1st May.

Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery – come and meet us at our AGM

Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 11th April 2013 starting at 7.30pm prompt at The Brandwood Centre – you are most welcome to come and join us.  Come and meet the committee; find out what we have been up to this year and perhaps get involved.  Everyone is welcome – only paid up members have the right to vote though.  Tea and coffee will be provided for you to enjoy.

We hope to see you there!

Annual AGM

On April 14th we held our annual AGM which was attended by a number of our local members. After the formal meeting Jim Thomson,Director of Teleshore (UK Ltd), gave a short talk about memorial safety and he was accompanied by Richard Smith of Memsafe.

The Elected Officers for the coming year are:

Chairman:            Anne Courbet
Vice Chairman:   Barrie Simpson
Treasurer:           Julian Pritchard
Secretary:           Jane Edwards

A copy of our annual report will follow soon.  Why not subscribe to this page to get automatic updates?

Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery AGM – 14th April 2011

You are invited to the AGM of the Friends of Brandwood End Cemetery which is to be held on Thursday 14th April 2011 from 7.30 to 9.00pm at St Bede’s Church, Doversley Road, Kings Heath.  Light refreshments will be available.

Following the formal meeting Jim Thomson, Director of Teleshore (UK) Ltd will give a short talk about memorial safety and he will be accompanied by Richard Smith of Memsafe.

All are welcome but please note only members are eligible to vote.

And if you haven’t paid your annual subscription we would be happy to take this on the evening.

We look forward to seeing you there!